Samsung Electronics Co. announces its global marketing partnership with Jurassic World, the long-awaited next installment of Steve Spielberg’s groundbreaking Jurassic Park series. Samsung presented exclusive content from the epic action-adventure on its revolutionary SUHD TVs at retail...
T-PayTM, the first open mobile payment platform in the Arab region launched by ArpuPlus, revealed today that its business has seen an amazing 62-fold growth in revenue last year. The UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt have been leading the pack, currently generating over half of the regional revenue....
New research reports produced by the GSMA, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Internet Society (iSOC) demonstrate that the development of digital societies have the potential to help solve key challenges faced by...
The new Elvox TAB Free speakerphone video door entry unit embodies all the innovative technological and stylistic features of the TAB line, but with a touch more comfort. Because, as well as the ultra-thin thickness, capacitive keypad, colour display and contemporary design, TAB Free adds the...
Ericsson announced that Patrik Melander has been appointed as Head of Customer Unit for the GCC and Pakistan (GCP). In his new role, Melander will oversee Ericsson’s business within GCC and Pakistan geographies in addition to his current responsibilities as Head of Global Customer Unit...
Ooredoo is continuing to roll-out the Mobile Academy service – a portal that provides an “all-you-can-learn” experience – across its global footprint, as demand for mobile learning increases in the MENA region and Southeast Asia.Ooredoo’s mobile learning services offer ...
icflix, the Middle East and North Africa's leading Internet streaming service, are rewarding first time subscribers by offering them a premium ride with Uber, the smartphone technology company that links riders to drivers within minutes, when they sign up to promotional offer, which...
Despite rating HR technology as effective, many companies still use paper systems Company investment in human resources (HR) technology and software worldwide is growing at an exponential rate according to the latest annual survey by global professional services company Towers Watson. The 2015 HR...
According to the 2014 Global Corporate IT Security Risks survey conducted by Kaspersky Lab and B2B International in 27 countries, including Saudi Arabia and UAE, 58% of organizations with fully implemented virtualization security are missing out on the benefits of virtualization because of choosing ...
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. today announced the launch and availability of two new additions to its Level series of smart Bluetooth™ audio products, Samsung Level On Wireless and Samsung Level Link in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Designed for music lovers seeking to pair outstanding audio...