Dar Al-Hekma University has recently hostedthe launching ceremony of the first moot, organized by the Saudi Center forCommercial Arbitration (SCCA) in collaboration with the Commercial LawDevelopment Program (CLDP) on Monday 08 April 2019 at Dar Al-Hekma University.
A memorandum of understanding was signed between theuniversity and the SCCA to train and prepare law students.
The ceremony started with the SCCA speech entitled “ANational Vision” which gave a brief history about the SCCA’s mission andvision. It was followed by Dar Al-Hekma University speech and CLDP speechentitled “Moot Story and CLDP Experiences in the Region”.
Dr. Suhair Al-Qurashi, President of Dar Al-HekmaUniversity, said the commercial arbitration competition has become a globalplatform helping student broaden their legal knowledge, especially in the fieldof commercial arbitration and dispute settlement around the world. She pointedout that Dar Al-Hekma University takes pride in hosting this event and thishonorable completion which enables students to acquire strong practical andlegal skills and equip them with international commercial arbitration tools andtrain them how to deal with this field. It will help improve their capabilitiesand increase their chances in the labor market. She said she is confident thatthe Dar Al-Hekma Law Department students will excel as usual in this type ofcompetitions because they won the first place in the competition for five consecutiveyears.
The annual competition for commercial arbitration aimsat developing the capacity of law students to absorb and understand the latest developments in the field ofinternational commercial law and train them to deal with arbitration as one ofthe most famous means of settling commercial disputes worldwide, Thecompetition is divided into two basic stages: the first is written and includeswriting legal memorandums in Arabic or English about the plaintiff and thedefendant in a case sent by the organizing committee for each team.
The teams compete in this stage to qualify for the secondstage which will include oral arguments, The importance of this competition ishighlighted in its effective contribution to improving the legal skillsrequired by law students to plead before international arbitral tribunals andgive them a full picture of what they are and its procedures and encourage themto study commercial international law and commercial arbitration and itssystem because of its international importance as an alternative means ofsettling commercial disputes.